venerdì 9 agosto 2019

10 Agosto San Lorenzo

Tropaire de saint Laurent, ton 4
Allumé par l'Esprit divin,
comme braise tu consumas les ronces de l'erreur,
archidiacre du Christ, victorieux martyr Laurent.
Et comme encens de spirituelle suavité,
tu brûlas pour Celui Qui t'a glorifié,
atteignant par le feu ton ultime perfection.
De tout dommage garde les fidèles vénérant ton souvenir

Kondakion de saint Laurent de Rome, ton 2
Ton coeur au feu divin se consumant,
tu as réduit en cendres le brasier des passions,
soutien des athlètes victorieux,
Laurent, saint martyr porteur de Dieu.
Au combat tu t'écrias, plein de foi :
Nul ne pourra me séparer de l'amour du Seigneur.

old English liturgical books contain the following Sequence chant for the Liturgy on the feast of St. Laurence, Old Sarum Rite Missal (c) 1998 St. Hilarion Press:

"With the robe of joyfulness, alleluya,
Our Lord hath this day clothed His soldier, Laurence.
May Thy faithful  joyous assemblage clap their hands
More cheerfully than they have heretofore.
Today the noble martyr offered pleasing sacrifice to God,
Today he, being grievously tested,
Endured unto the end the torment of his fire;
And shrank not from offering his limbs to punishments most grievous.
Before the ruler he is summoned,
And settlement is made upon the Church s hidden holdings.
But he by words enticing is unmoved, and is unshaken
By the torments of the ruler avarice.
Valerian is laughed to scorn,
And the Levite  s  liberal hand,
When he is asked for payments,
Giveth to the gathered poor.
For he was their minister of charity,
Giving them abundance from his means.
Therefore the prefect is enraged,
And a glowing bed made ready.
The torment-bearing instrument,
The gridiron of his suffering,
Roasteth his very viscera,
But he laugheth it to scorn.
The martyr sweateth in his agony,
In hopes of crown and recompense
Which is allotted those with faith,
Who struggle for the sake of Christ.
The court of heaven rejoiceth
For his warfare-waging,
For he hath prevailed this day
Against the lackeys of wickedness.
That we, then, may attain the gift of life,
By this our patron, be glad, O our choir,
Singing in the church upon his feast-day
A joyful alleluya."

From the Mass for the Octave (Apodosis) of St. Laurence on Aug. 17

O Laurence, thou David, thou great-martyr,
Thou mighty warrior and judgment-seat of the Emperor,
Thou didst set at nought the blood-stained hands
Of thy tormentors.
Thou wast a follower of Him Who is desirable and mighty,
Who with His hand alone can conquer the cruel despot s strongholds,
And Whose love maketh His warriors holy,
And generous with their blood.
Insofar as thou sawest Him in the loss of this present life,
Thou didst scorn the emblems of the Cæsar, and laugh the judge s threats to scorn.
In vain it is the headsman rendeth thy fingernails,
It is in vain the pyre s burning thy gridiron doth enfold.

The impious man, the City ns prefect grieveth,
Conquered by a broiled fish  the food of Christ.
This honeycomb of the Lord rejoiceth, living with Him,
Rising again with Him, filled to the full with Christ.
O Laurence, wreathed with laurel amongst warriors,
O unconquerable David of the everlasting King:
Ever entreat with Him to pardon His lowest servants,
O martyr and mighty foot-soldier!"

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