giovedì 21 febbraio 2019

The Divine Liturgy according to the Rite of Saint Gregory Antiochian Archdiocese – Western Rite Vicariate

The Divine Liturgy according to the Rite of Saint Gregory

Antiochian Archdiocese – Western Rite Vicariate

dal  sito

The Liturgy of our Father among the Saints,
Saint Gregory
The Western Orthodox Liturgy

The Preparation of the Gifts for the Liturgy  TESTO IN INGLESE E TRADUZIONE NON UFFICIALE  IN  ITALIANO

Before a Solemn Liturgy, the sacred vessels stand upon a Table of Preparation, or at the Credence Table, prepared with bread, wine, and water for the Holy Liturgy.

Before a Simple Liturgy the sacred vessels may stand, veiled, upon the
outspread antimensium (or upon an outspread Corporal if the
antimensium is kept permanently beneath the altar cloths) in the midst of
the altar. In such case, the gifts are prepared at the time of the Preparation
during the Liturgy.

At a convenient time before a Solemn Liturgy, the Deacon or Priest,
vested in amice, cincture, alb, maniple, and stole, and standing at The
Table of Preparation, makes the sign of the cross saying:

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever,
for all ages of ages. Amen.

Taking as much bread (prosphora) as is needed for the Liturgy, he now
lightly scores each on the underside in the form of a cross, (or cuts a Lamb
out of the bread and further cuts that into the amount of cubes needed but
just shy of separation) and places it on the paten, saying nothing, or

Accept, most Holy Father, this bread, let it become for us the holy Body of Thine only begotten Son, Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Taking the chalice, he pours into it first wine saying:

Accept, most Holy Father, this wine, let it become for us the holy Blood of Thine only begotten Son, Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. For from his side came forth blood and water for the forgiveness of sins.

and then a little water saying:

By the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share in our humanity

Bowing, the Deacon or Priest says quietly:

With a spirit of humility, and a contrite heart, let us be acceptable to Thee, O Lord; and let these gifts be so offered in Thy sight this day, that they be pleasing to Thee, our Lord and our God. 

f a Deacon prepared the gifts he now turns to the Priest and says:

Father (Master) Bless! 

The Priest says quietly 

Come, O Sanctifier, and bless + these gifts set apart for the glory of Thy Holy Name

Then the veils are placed upon the vessels.
The above prayers for preparing the gifts are from the venerable
Ambrosian Rite.


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