martedì 17 marzo 2020

18 Marzo Saint EDOUARD II, roi d'Angleterre (962-978), martyr par la jalousie de sa belle-mère et thaumaturge (978).Note the following forms of Old English liturgical books for the feast day of St. Edward

Preface for the Liturgy:  Qui sanctos tuos

It is truly meet and just, right and availing to our salvation, that we should always and in all places give thanks to Thee, O Holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God, Who unceasingly dost uphold Thy Saints with Thy mercy, Who mercifully didst go before Thy chosen one Edward when at the helm of the kingdom he lived in a pure manner, and didst accompany him with Thy compassion when innocently he was slain. For when he was deprived by the impious of his earthly sceptre, Thou, O Merciful One, didst endow him with a heavenly: and by his intercessory prayer we entreat that Thou wouldst grant us to despise earthly things and to love things heavenly, through Christ our Lord. By Whom Angels praise Thy majesty, Dominions worship, the Powers tremble. The heavens, and the heavenly Virtues, and the blessed Seraphim, concelebrate in one exultation, with whom command our voices also to have entrance, we beseech Thee, humbly confessing Thee, and saying: Holy, Holy, Holy, etc.

Bishops Blessing during the Canon: Omnipotentis Dei

May the freely-bestowed blessing of almighty God rest upon you, and by the interceding righteous prayers of the all-blessed Edward, both king and martyr, may salvation and eternal protection be to you from the Lord our God. all sing: Amen.
May the Lord fulfill your prayerful longings, accomplish your good desires, blot out your transgressions, look down upon your afflictions, shepherd your souls, direct your actions, and by the intercession of the same Saint Edward, preserve you from every onslaught of the enemy. all sing: Amen.
And may He that took him to Himself in the radiantly-white robe of martyrdom, that he might enjoy heavenly honour rather than the honour of a temporal kingdom, make you to be delivered from all the wickednesses of the enemy, and to be planted in the unending dwelling-places, that ye may be able with all the Saints to take possession of indescribable glory, for ever and ever. all sing: Amen.
Which may He deign to grant, to Whom with the Father and the Holy Spirit abideth praise and endlessness, unto ages of ages. Amen.

May the blessing of God... (from Old Sarum Rite Missal, (c) 1998 St. Hilarion Press, tr. by Fr. Hieromonk Aidan, due to be re-issued by St. John Cassian Press

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