giovedì 19 marzo 2020

Quaresima 2020-Venerdi 20 Marzo I testi Liturgici delle Chiese cristiane indipendenti di tradizione latina -tradizione celtica

Fri. 20th - St Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, Bp

L'immagine può contenere: una o più persone

 Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham 

Troparion of Our Lady of Walsingham
Hail, O Virgin Theotokos! As thou didst receive the Good News of salvation at Gabriel  appearing and didst by thine own appearing at Walsingham cause the Holy House to be raised up as an everlasting remembrance of that same mystery of salvation, pray that we may ever bear in our souls Jesus whom thou didst bring forth, the Savior of mankind

TROPARIO : Giosci  , o Vergine Theotokos

Come hai ricevuto l'annuncio della salvezza da Gabriele nella Santa
Casa fa che Walsingham sia   un ricordo perenne di questo Mistero di salvezza, che tu hai portato   in grembo, Gesù Salvatore del mondo..

Friday in the Third Week of Lent
MP Pss 102, 203
Ex 35:30–36:1; 37:1-9 Mk 12:28-34
EP Ps 104
Jer 10:11-24 Rom 5:12-21

Holy Celtic Church International

Fri. 20th - St Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, Bp

link in lingua francese

"Je sais que bien qu'ils m'aient méprisé durant ma vie,
cependant après ma mort ils verront que mes enseignements
ne sont pas à écarter à la légère"

Saint Cuthbert de Lindisfarne

dalla tradizione ortodossa  e cristiano orientale (pure presente ecclesialmente nella  Holy Celtic Church International)

Tropaire de saint Cuthbert de Lindisfarne, ton 3

Étant encore jeune tu laissa les soucis de ce monde de côté, et tu te chargea du léger joug du Christ, ô pieux Cuthbert, et tu montra que tu étais véritablement un noble luminaire de la grâce du Saint Esprit. Dès lors, Dieu t'a établit comme règle de Foi et berger sur Son troupeau humain, ô toi qui parlais avec les Anges et intercède pour les hommes.

Kondakion de saint Cuthbert de Lindisfarne, ton 1

Ayant surpassé tes frères en prières, jeûnes et veilles, tu fus trouvé digne de servir un Ange pèlerin; et ayant brillé par l'humilité tel un lampadaire placé sur la hauteur, tu reçus le don d'accomplir des miracles. Et à présent que tu demeure dans le Royaume céleste, ô notre juste père Cuthbert, intercède auprès du Christ Dieu afin que nos âmes soient sauvées.

in lingua inglese

Commemorated March 20 / April 2

(Chapter 39)

Holy Father Cuthbert, Pray to God for us!
O Lord, Thou Who alone preservest us unfailing in divine love and oneness of mind, grant that we may live in concord with all the servants of Christ’s holy Church, and show patience to us who seek hospitality in the household of faith. Preserve us from entanglement with those who have forsaken the Faith, deliver us from schisms and heresies, grant that we may learn the teachings of our Fathers and live by them. Strengthen us to carry out the rule of life which Thou in Thy mercy hast seen fit to grant us through the witness and prayers of thy holy servant Cuthbert and all Thy saints, for Thou art holy, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

(For the Feast Day, from the ancient Mass of St Cuthbert)

Holy Father Cuthbert, Pray to God for us!

O Lord our God, it is truly meet and just, right and availing to our salvation, that we should always and in all places give thanks unto Thee, Father Almighty, Everlasting God, upon this day of the departure to Christ of our most holy Father Cuthbert, who first became an example in daily life, in temperate and most chaste conduct, and afterwards took up the monastic yoke, nourished only by the love of God, who did not seek to shepherd Thy Church, but rather was invited to do so by Thy providence, and the counsel of the churches. He had ever fought manfully and mightily against flesh and blood, and the rulers of this realm, seizing victory with the helm of hope for salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, and the sword of the Word of God; through him Thou didst make manifest many miracles, and grant him before time a vision of his repose: Therefore, O Lord, We entreat Thee through the intercessions of our holy Father Cuthbert, that we may be counted worthy to reach the haven of joy and the heavenly realms of Thee, before Whom stand the countless choirs of Angels and Archangels, singing the Thrice Holy hymn. For Thou art a merciful God, and unto Thee do we send up glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion — Tone 3
While still in your youth, you laid aside all worldly cares, / and took up the sweet yoke of Christ, / and you were shown forth in truth to be nobly radiant in the grace of the Holy Spirit. / Therefore, God established you as a rule of faith and shepherd of His radiant flock, / Godly-minded Cuthbert, converser with angels and intercessor for men.

Kontakion — Tone 1
Having surpassed your brethren in prayers, fasting and vigils, / you were found worthy to entertain an angel in the form of a pilgrim; / and having shown forth with humility as a bright lamp set on high, / you received the gift of working wonders. / And now as you dwell in the Heavenly Kingdom, our righteous Father Cuthbert, / intercede with Christ our God that our souls may be saved.
VICARIATO D’ITALIA DELLA Holy Celtic Church International.  



Lettura dalla prima lettera di San Paolo Apostolo a Timoteo
(1Tim 3, 15-16)

Fratello, se dovessi tardare, voglio che tu sappia come comportarti nella casa di
Dio, che è la Chiesa del Dio vivente, colonna e sostegno della verità. Dobbiamo
confessare che grande è il mistero della pietà: Egli si manifestò nella carne, fu
giustificato nello Spirito, apparve agli angeli, fu annunziato ai pagani, fu creduto nel
mondo, fu assunto nella gloria.

Lettura dal Santo Vangelo secondo San Marco
(Mc 4, 26-32)

In quel tempo, Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: «Il regno di Dio è come un
uomo che getta il seme nella terra; dorma o vegli, di notte o di giorno,
il seme germoglia e cresce; come, egli stesso non lo sa. Poiché la terra
produce spontaneamente, prima lo stelo, poi la spiga, poi il chicco pieno nella
spiga. Quando il frutto è pronto, subito si mette mano alla falce, perché è venuta la
mietitura». Diceva: «A che cosa possiamo paragonare il regno di Dio o con quale
parabola possiamo descriverlo? Esso è come un granellino di senapa che, quando
viene seminato per terra, è il più piccolo di tutti semi che sono sulla terra; ma
appena seminato cresce e diviene più grande di tutti gli ortaggi e fa rami tanto
grandi che gli uccelli del cielo possono ripararsi alla sua ombra».

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